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Referring doTERRA users

Lets make it simple!!

· referral,doterra,essential oils,order doterra,essential living
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So you have started to use your doTERRA essential oils, and BAM, people are seeing you use your oils and they are asking about them. But you have decided that being "salesy" is not for you. You don't want to sell anything. You don't want to work the doTERRA business. Maybe you don't want to fiddle with meeting up with people, or with dealing with monthly promotions, or emails. And that is okay. I hear ya.

But what about those friends who see you sniffing your bottle of Wild Orange, or they see you using your rollerbottle blend of Elevation, and they notice how you have less anxious feelings lately, and how your mood seems so uplifting and balanced........and they ask. They want to know about the essential oils you are using. They ask that one do I learn more about essential oils?

You may feel a tad awkward trying to tell them about oils. But truly, you should feel blessed that you have the ability to talk to someone about natural healthcare. Right then and right there. You have the ability to change someones life. To introduce them to doTERRA, and to essential oils. To tell them about how they can naturally care for themselves and their entire family, including children and pets too, through using essential oils!


And this my friend, leaves you in a place where you can "refer" that friend over to me. You don't have to sell them anything. You simply tell them about the changes that doTERRA has made in your life. Or your familiys' life. And then, you refer your friend to me.

Your friend may want to try some of your oils. Share them. Let your friend have a sniff of the Wild Orange. Or let them roll the Elevation rollerball on their neck. Let them try the Lavender on their wrists to help lessen their anxious feelings. Let them experience your aromatherapy too. And then when your friend wants her own bottle of Wild Orange, Elevation and Lavender, refer her to me!

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Have your friend call me. Or email me. You could call or text me too. You can let me know that you have a friend that wants to learn more, and maybe they have friends who want to learn more too. So hey! I would love to come hang out with you and your friends and teach a class for y'all. I can do a class with y'all at a cute little coffee shop, or in the convenience of your own home. I'm available for Facebook classes or for a Zoom or Skype get together! And don't forget that I have a lovely website that anyone can visit HERE.

But here is what you really shouldn't do. Don't buy those oils for your friend on your personal account. Don't cheat your friend out of having her own personal account. Your friend deserves to get her oils at wholesale price, and to earn free shipping points and free monthly products and additional points each month towards more, that's right, MORE, free product. Your friend may even actually be interested in hosting her own class and making her own income with doTERRA. So really, your friend needs her own wholesale account, and not to just order her oils through your account. So don't deprive your friend of her own account. Don't worry with having to collect money from her or making deliveries to her. Refer her to me. I will help her to get her personal account established. Your friend will thank you.

And you know what? I would like to thank you too, for making the referral. I would love to give you a little something as a referral thank you gift! There are some great chances for you to earn incentives with me and my team! We always give nice gifts for class hosts, referrals and even for new enrollments! Gifts that range from new oils to great books to nice diffusers. And I would love to gift you my referral gift as a special thanks to you!

So please, feel free to contact me anytime you have questions, or if you have a friend that has questions. I would love to help!

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